Set in the future, the story follows a young soldier named Johnny Rico and his exploits in the Mobile Infantry. Rico's military career progresses...
Starship Troopers
In a violent, near-apocalyptic Detroit, evil corporation Omni Consumer Products wins a contract from the city government to privatize the police...
The 30-minute long featurette "Inside the Federation" mirrors the commentary, with a look at the challenges faced in the filmmaking process with such...
Inside the Federation
Documentary about veteran character actor Dick Miller, whose career in and outside of Hollywood has spanned almost 200 films across six decades,...
That Guy Dick Miller
This retrospective features both archival and 2017 interviews with cast and crew members. It includes interviews with CG supervisor Paul M. Sammon,...
Corporate Wars: The Making of 'RoboCop 2'
A behind-the-scenes look at director Paul Verhoeven's imaginative re-telling of Robert Heinlein's classic science fiction novel.
Death from Above: The Making of 'Starship Troopers'
A look behind the scenes at the making of this science fiction classic about a policeman killed in the line of duty, only to be reborn as a half-man,...
Flesh + Steel: The Making of 'RoboCop'
An in-depth, sad, and beautiful documentary about the stop motion and VFX artist Phil Tippett, a man who changed the landscape of visual effects in...
Phil Tippett: Mad Dreams and Monsters
Two hundred million years ago, Earth had a single continent. As the millennia progressed, the single continent slowly split off into smaller...
Tidal Wave