A look at the life and work of the Austrian composer who pioneered the musical scoring of films - hundreds of them - from King Kong, to Gone with the...
Max Steiner: Maestro of Movie Music
Up-and-coming district attorney Jillian takes on the case of a young woman who has accused three men of sexual assault. She puts her career on the...
The Making of It's Always Fair Weather with footage and discussion by historians and participants.
It's Always Fair Weather: Going Out on a High Note
A lively and loving tribute to the private film collector, a celebration of the fetishistic subculture of pre-video movie-love, and a timely reminder...
Film Is Dead. Long Live Film!
Two best friends embark on a life-changing adventure abroad as exchange students.
The Secret Diary of an Exchange Student
Emma Corrigan, a girl with a few secrets, thinks she’s about to die on a turbulent plane ride. She spills them all to the handsome stranger...
Can You Keep a Secret?